Independence Day weekend

What a fantastic holiday weekend in Grays Harbor county, Washington. I spent time visiting with my parents, my aunt and uncle and some other friends.  We ate fresh Dungeness Crab caught by my mom and dad. I of course rode the trusty TW200 for hundreds of miles exploring the beaches, backroads, dirt roads and highways.

Saturday was spent riding and exploring as much of Grays Harbor county’s north beach as possible. From downtown Ocean Shores in the south, to Point Grenville near Taholah in the Quinault Reservation.  Wherever I could legally ride, I did.  Only natural obstacles like rivers ending their journey at the Pacific Ocean, or man’s obstacles in the form of signage informing of the closure of certain areas for the protection of the clam beds.  It was a ton of fun exploring the beaches and all of the little towns along highway 109.

Sunday started out by meeting the parents for breakfast at the casino’s buffet.  Yum!  It was good that I filled up, because on this clear, sunny day, I spent the rest of it riding.  Up 109, across the Moclips Hwy, Humptulips, Nisson, Wynoochee Dam, Quinault Ridge, and up to Amanda Park for fuel.  Being in the neighborhood, I rode down Lake Quinault’s North Shore Rd. to check in with my friends Tom & Chris at their home and business, the  Lochaerie Resort.  It was so great to see and catch up with them.  I was then able to make the run back to the beach in time for sunset.  235 dual -sport miles, family and friends…it’s what make life worth living.


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